Regular updates & recipes

The best stuffed Brinjal in town
Introduction About this RecipeBy: Mayuri Source: This is number 1 on big bro’s list of favourite foods. My dad’s nightmare though, I wasn’t sold until a couple of years ago and Ba’s mouth waters as soon as she decides to cook it! Stuffed...

Spinach Rolls AKA fake Patha
Introduction About this RecipeBy: Mayuri Source: This past weekend good friends of ours had a get together at their place. On asking what I could bring she of course responded with – “something gluten free”! Many anti “healthy trend” peeps i.e. 90% of...

Peas and Brinjal Fry
Introduction About this RecipeBy: Mayuri Source: I really do love peas (unlike my better half and his family) when its the frozen ones I get even more excited. So it’s just great that my mom lives next door and I get to cook all my favourite foods with...

Bhagat Mootia
Introduction About this RecipeBy: Mayuri Source: Whenever I would visit my Masi (mums sister) on the weekends she would never let me leave empty handed. Whether it was something she just cooked or some biscuits I never left her home without food....

Introduction About this RecipeBy: Mayuri Source: Ba has been giving her garden some real love and care and with all this beautiful rain that we have been blessed with (sorry Cape Town) everything is growing with abundance. So forgive me if you are...
About Mayuri
I teach people how to create a balanced and anxiety free life with a holistic approach to lifestyle and nutrition.
+27 72 243 9391