L I V E    M A S T E R C L A S S

Emotional Eating: How to break the pattern

A 2 hour Masterclass to help you understand your patterns and to learn how to step out of them with confidence









H O S T E D    B Y

Candice King

Holistic May May

W H A T   D O  Y O U  G E T ?

An intimate group setting with:

A workbook created by both coaches to guide you through the 2 hour session.

A clear understanding of why you have been stuck in your emotional eating pattern all these years and how to create a plan that will work for your. Bio Individuality is key for us.

How to acknowledge and accept.

Tools to equip you to step out of your body shaming habits.

Holistic May May’s 9 tips to curbing your cravings.

Candice King’s 10 steps to manage your Emotional Hijacking.

Free access to both coaches in a private FB group for 1 week after the Masterclass to answer any questions you may have while working through the Masterclass workbooks.

Discount to HMM Health Warriors for September and October.